Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ok, Enough...

I am alive and for the most part healthy, thank God. But I admit I feel that I say at least part of this with some reservation as I will spare you the drama and just say that I have had some real personal challenges over the past three weeks or so. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, the words of the late George Sheehan found me through a podcast this morning: "...It is a gamble I must take. No one can substitute for me in deciding for myself in deciding on my life. No one can think for me, nor needs too. "Of the common man" Emerson said "What Plato has thought, he may think. What the saint has felt, he may feel. What has befallen any man he may understand." This is my ball-game to win or loose and what I must deal with is not luck or chance, but choice. It is choice that is omni-present in life not chance. what I can see and feel and almost taste is choice. Choosing myself, my values, my universe. Choosing my own drama, my own life, my own heroism. Seeking through imagination and reason and intuition that unique something that I and no other, am here to do. No one ever said it was easy or safe. We have no contract with life. But neither are we here to simlply avoid pain and enjoy pleasure. At sometime or another I must leave my childlike experience. I must chance it and risk the contentment. Knowing that to be re-born I must first be ejected from paradise and knowing also that I may never come back that I may wonder forever in search of a self I will never find. Yet never being able to return to the easy theologies, the painless salvation I left behind. I want no other choice. In this game, the only sure way to loose is to sit it out." -From the book "Running and Being" by George Sheehan

Yah, I know It's pretty deep. The guy just had a view from his own life experience that reaches a part of me as if to say, "Hey, all of this crap... It's normal, it's called life, deal with it. Right now, guess I needed that.

Run long, DC

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