Thursday, September 30, 2010

Lot's Going On...

I have been a bit overwhelmed, in a positive way I might add. The recent production and subsequent uploading of my first podcast has been awesome. I have produced 100's in my head over the last four years. I just did not feel confident in my situation then. either because of personal matters or just the fact that life was crazy or my equipment just was not up-tp-par. Now, gone are the excuses. None more! :) I am thrilled and over-joyed. I might add that my little podcast may be tiny and silly by comparison, but I am just thrilled that you would be willing to download it an take me on a run with you whereever you may be.

I will eventually get all of this balanced. Updating the blog daily, either through text or audio (I have recently signed up to ipadio, but have several technical issues getting it to work proporly). It will all work out.

Running has been good. I had a nice trip to Western NC this past Sun, Mon and Tues. Got a lot accomplished and spent some time with my little one. I miss her terribly.

Anyway, I do hope that all is going well with your training and that you have an awesome tomorrow...

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Made it safely to the mountains of NC and was able to squeeze in a 4.2 mile night run in Hometown #2. I may take tomorrow off to recupe from my 32mile week.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Ok, looks like it's a go. Let the fun begin! My podcast "My Entry Blank Podcast" Has been uploaded to and has been submitted to iTunes for thier appoval! So, I'm coming to and mp3 player near you. If you wish, just follow the link on the side bar or subscribe via iTunes (in the next couple of days)

Guys, I'm really excited about this. Run long!

My Podcast Alley feed! {pca-80ef3cd9d347f6264e80d66e4c08b62a}

Good News...

I know that I have been "off the radar" for the last 15 days,but here is some good news! I have successfully completed production of my first PodCast! I am very excited about this! Though I wonder how many poor souls will subject themselves to the sound of my voice while running, willingly! This has been a goal of mine, though on the back burner for the past 4 years and everything just kind of fell into place. Both from the advancement of technology and strong desire to say that I did it!

Also have, in the developmental stages at this moment a new website that will encompass all things running. Including a mostly daily blog and a weekly podcast, time permitting. However at this moment I am convinced that Wordpress is of the devil and that the powers of darkness are all banding against me to defeat all efforts of creating the site. I will perceiver!

In the mean time I will be getting my podcast "My Entry Blank Podcast" loaded to a server near you for your happy downloading enjoyment! Have a great day!

Oh, one thing- My training is going awesomely and you can check out the details on the top right of this page! Thanks!

Friday, September 10, 2010

"Running and Being" George said it best...

Ok, so here I sit at the start of my day in a big quiet apartment. This is the time of day that for most people (I assume) need the least motivation. They wake-up and everything is pretty laid out for them. In the shower by ?:??, out the door by ?:?? and work by ?:??. Ok. I get it. Hey I've been there. BUT. What if you were your motivation? That if you choose to say, "I'm not going to do it today" and NOBODY even noticed (except your creditors at the end of the month), how would you attack it?

I took a late run the night before last, the way I used to once-upon-a-time. It was awesome. It had been so long since I hit that "plato" that kind of puts you somewhere else for a while. You don't really feel your legs moving or hear any particular sounds. Just your body gliding along. I had actually forgotten about the feeling. Guess some refer to it as "The Zone", yah that better describes it. I look forward to possibly running a 5k this weekend. If $ dictates a different route, I will find a lake to go run around instead. It's all good.

The title implied that I was going to write about George Sheehan. I just like the "Running and Being" term I guess, as that seems to be at least part of my focus.

One day at a time.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

As for running...

As for running, I had to take a week off or so. Have a knee that is angry with me for jumping into a swimming pool the wrong way. You jumped into a pool the "wrong way" you might ask? Yes, taking a run at a pool at full gallup and "cannon balling" into three feet of water... Ah Dumb. Sort of a "Hyper Extension" injury possibly? At any rate. I'm going to try some light jogging/walking tonight and see what happens. Also got started back on my trusty Hyalauronic Acid" for the joints again (may help with the knee thing). So enough about my bum-knee and dumb self destructive running-interruptis pool habits.
This as we all know is Mermorial Day weekend.
I have had a nice one. I have had the opportunity to spend time at home with S. You know, the quality kind of time. House cleaning, laundry,breaks and high fives in the kitchen. And walks through the mall. Money is tight, but hey, it always cycles around. Church this morning- It was a God thing as I like to say.That's when I am at the exact place at the right time to hear exactly what I need to hear through an other-wise strange series of events... I don't find myself as being "religious", however I have a strong connection spiritually and at my lowest points I have found that connection weak. The message that was shared today was that of faith. And that if you knew exactly how things were going to turn out with every new venture or change in life the word faith would become quite useless. In fact faith itself wold not be a thing. I have pondered over that most of the day. You know, off and on the thought entered my mind. I've had a hell of a time with that myself over the last year or so.. Starting my life over and in a way re-inventing myself has not come without it's share of bumps and bruises..
S asked me after leaving church if I would like to go to the flea market. I as like "Oh Yah" ( well maybe inside I was) I thought it was a great idea. People watch at it's best. I do believe that a trip to the flea market is a lesson in sociology without a doubt. From dough nut sales to Armani shirts it was there. Watching the smallest of children and their reaction to the stuff. Some pulling wagons and others riding on Dads shoulders, one word, Awesome. I mean all of the things that they are looking at are "new" to them, Way cool. We're walking through the Flea Market and I hear this man playing a guitar. He introduces a song as "I almost had the opportunity to play this song for Hendrix back in 19?? but missed him by 15min." I thought, Damn, bummer. That 15min changed his life enough to still be talking about it now all these years later. To me, there is nothing like hearing another persons story. The man could play, and well.
. The more that I thought about the events at Church and all of the "little sycronisities" that took place throughout the day the more I remembererd and became aware that each one of us is in the process of writing our own stories. More to come... bye.