Saturday, September 25, 2010

Good News...

I know that I have been "off the radar" for the last 15 days,but here is some good news! I have successfully completed production of my first PodCast! I am very excited about this! Though I wonder how many poor souls will subject themselves to the sound of my voice while running, willingly! This has been a goal of mine, though on the back burner for the past 4 years and everything just kind of fell into place. Both from the advancement of technology and strong desire to say that I did it!

Also have, in the developmental stages at this moment a new website that will encompass all things running. Including a mostly daily blog and a weekly podcast, time permitting. However at this moment I am convinced that Wordpress is of the devil and that the powers of darkness are all banding against me to defeat all efforts of creating the site. I will perceiver!

In the mean time I will be getting my podcast "My Entry Blank Podcast" loaded to a server near you for your happy downloading enjoyment! Have a great day!

Oh, one thing- My training is going awesomely and you can check out the details on the top right of this page! Thanks!

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